Wednesday, September 23, 2009

This Is What 'CrunkCore' Really Is!

CrunkCore. A new genre. Some say it's not considered one. And some say it most definitely is one and there are lots of CrunkCore bands. For those of you that are wondering; "What is CrunkCore?" Well, CrunkCore is Heavy Rap/Hip hop/Screamo/Rock/Electronic. This band I know, definitely 100% falls under the CrunkCore category. Some bands are a mixture of different genres, but this band is pure CrunkCore. (I know, I'm saying 'CrunkCore' a lot.)

Any-who, the band is called; Brokencyde. They consist of 4 white-guy rappers, haha!
Their top songs are Freaxx, Booty Call, & Get Crunk.
They are VERY explicit.


Go preview them and you'll know what i'm talking about with CrunkCore.


- Josh

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