Well, up in Mass, US, we just got a snow day! That means NO FREGGEN SCHOOL BABY! I can just relax all day...
I'm so glad we got snowed in...and for all you Breathe Carolina fans out there, hopefully you all like getting snowed in! Because B.C. sure does! A few years ago, during their "Gossip - EP" They made a song entitled; "Snowed In." It's a nice happy little song. No screams...no major crazy music beats...it seems kinda wintery and kinda Christmasy. Check it out! It's like an electropop/slow electro/pop song.
Listen to it whenever you get a snow day!
- Josh
YAY for snow days! :D
I had one yesterday :3
YAY! Is right! We can actually sleep in for once. ;)
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