Today, i've been on my computer just surfin' the good 'ol web, and I have found loads of new info and updates about 3OH!3.
As you know, their new album is going to be called Streets Of Gold. Well...I have finally found the Official cover of it. Enjoy yourselves, and feast your eyes on the picture above! ^^^
Also, it has been confirmed that My First Kiss has been recorded in the studio and will be posted on iTunes Monday, 5/3/10. It is featuring Ke$ha and should be hitting radios [Hopefully] a little bit after it's digital release. Also...it WILL be on Streets Of Gold along with House Party. (Probably Hit It Again Too!)
Can't wait until June 29th!
Annnnd...A Pre-sale for Streets Of Gold will start on Monday, 5/3/10 @ 3:03pm, which will include a Mini-30min Documentary of Streets Of Gold. But...you can only order that at www.3oh3music.com. Watch the trailer too! It's wicked funny! This won't be any normal documentary. More like a mini-movie!
;) ENJOY!!
Also, I went on Watchout! Theres Ghosts' Myspace today and have found out that they are expected to be working on a new album which they hope to release in the Summer of 2010. -- Anyways, that's what Jordan Blake said. It should probably be out, if not, late 2010.
- Josh
Woops got "my first kiss" illegally last year*cough* What?! Who said that?!Shhh dont tell anyone.Anyways this was very helpful!Didnt know about the preorder.Thank you:D omg Im seeing them next week.Super stoked.If I meet em want a shout out? lol
WOO! Can't wait for it!! :D
bleh, I don't really like ke$ha, though... oh well x]
Yeah! I got My First Kiss Illegally last year too! Lol...I think it was around March of '09. Anyways, let's hope no one rats us out.
I can't wait for the Pre-Order! ;)
OMG! That would be totally amazing if I got a got shout out. I saw them live a handfull of times, but not that recently.
I'm SOOO happy!
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