My last day of school was on Thursday, June 17. Yaaay! I can enjoy summer vacation now! But I gotta go back in September though again... (DAMN IT!) Oh well... ;)
Also, my dad is great friends with this guy Mike Palumbo at his work, and it just so happens that he's in a band. Their band is called "MASS" because they are from Massachusetts, and because Mass is another word for like, going to church or something. Anyways, they are a great Rock band, and have some amazing songs. They aren't on itunes, but you can check out their myspace. www.myspace.com/masstheband
Also, their album Sea Of Black just came out, and I got it for free from my Dad thanks to Mike. You can go on their website; www.massrocks.com and order their CD, posters, shirts, other merch, etc... My favorite song is called "Falling From Grace." Check 'em out on your free time! ;) (Mike Palumbo is the Bass player FYI)
- Josh
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