3/03/11 --Bum bum ba bum ba ba bum bum bummmmmmm....Yep. Happy 3OH!3 day to all you fans!!! Wooooooo!!! The epic electro duo is still going strong and now it's time to celebrate this awesome day! How will you guys celebrate? Rock out to their tunes? Buy some of their stuff, Advertise, Arts n Crafts, or, possibly get insanely drunk and go in your room smash all your stuff yelling like a wilderbeast puking all over your bed swearing out the window rip all your clothes off and bash your head until you bleed out your eyes and have multiple seizures then run to the city beating the crap out of everybody committing crimes left and right and groaning full of outrage and melt into a puddle of 3oh!3 loving fluid........or, maybe not.
Well, anyways they finally recorded "Hit It Again" and released it on itunes. actually, it's been on itunes for a while now, i just don't know why i didn't post any info on it in the past... hehe, oh well.
Alright you guys. Peace!
. [P.S. Thee ol' B-Day is coming up for me. March 11th BTW. Pretty excited. ]
oh my gosh your hilarious! Love your blog and happy early birthday
Haha, thank you so much anonymous! Glad you like my Blog, feel free to check back anytime. ;)
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