Monday, May 17, 2010

Wow...I Guess Miley Cyrus CAN'T Be Tamed.

Disney Star / Actress / Pop Singer Miley Cyrus has released yet, another single! Accept...this one is going in a different direction. It is called "Can't Be Tamed" And has a unique twist, which is different than her other music. This style is more Dance-like and Glam Pop. Sort of like...[*SIGH*]...Lady Gaga, and also like Christina Aguliera right now. Also, the song meaning and lyrics are a little more...fierce and explicit per say. She's talking about being wild and doing weird things and saying no one can stop her, she can't be tamed. Also, In the past she has never had any songs [or music videos] that have an "inappropriate style" to them. In this song, she acts like a total S••• [You fill in the blank] and says some un-needable words n' stuff. Also, the video is much more mature and very dirty in several ways. She has to realize that many YOUNG fans look up to her. If I had a 17year old daughter, I would NOT want her to do what Miley does in the video. Also, I'm sure all you Moms out there wouldn't want your young kids to watch that nonsense. Anyways, I'm not trying to Trash her, or insult her, I'm just ranting about a recent topic and hey, I gotta update my blog by typing SOMETHING! Haha, okay guys, hope you enjoyed my rant. If you wanna check out the song and/or the video, head to Youtube. I think it's on itunes too. CHECK IT OUT!!!! ;)

- Josh

P.S. -- Thanks! I got a new follower! Thank you SO much! FANTASTIC 4!!! HAHA

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