Streets Of Gold is finally out, and it sounds fabulous! I'm going to go through a track-by-track review.
1.) Beaumont 2.5/5 -- The intro off of Streets Of Gold. Just like Tapp from WANT. A minute long of strong beats and sturdy instrumentals. About a minute long. "3OH!3" is repeated in little bits numerous times while a scratchy synth and Electronic melodies play. Good intro. Sounds kinda familiar -- cuz it was used in their 2 minute weekly streets of gold Webisodes. Good way to start off the album
2.) I Can Do Anything 5/5 -- A great, strong, fun, explicit track to begin the streets of gold march. While the whole album is going mainstream pop/dance/electronica this track has a little hip-hop/crunk vibe. The 'gangsta' verses lead into the proud and victorious chorus melody. Great track! One of my favorites. Might hit the radios in the future.
3.) My First Kiss 5/5 -- Another popular and strong track. Ke$ha is featured a bit throughout it. This track is already on the radio. It was created last year to the public around march. And now, since the studio version has been released, it's a great hit! Has a unique pop vibe throughout. This will be a certain track to remember. A very good song!
4.) Deja Vu 3.5/5 -- When this was first released I LOVED it! The verses were great small dance intros which lead to the catchy "dance-to" chorus. If you listen to it, and then listen to Tik Tok by Ke$ha, I think you will see the resemblance. The bridge part right after the 2nd chorus keeps the song flowing and then brings it to an electronic close. Well Done!
5.) We Are Young 4/5 -- A good track which shows off their electronica side. The verses are steady and the chorus slowly "Jumps Out of the hat" thanks to a drum pause. Enforces a good meaning. Very good and has a tricky kick to it. Nice!
6.) Touchin On My 3/5 -- Great track when it first came out as a single. If there were actually swears where the beeps were, then this track can definitely sound and relate to their older stuff. Still a popular track. Good Job!
7.) House Party 2/5 -- An okay song. I was much more happy with it when they leaked it in the past. A little different. It's their weakest song off the album. Chorus is dry, verses sound not complete. Still a nice track to listen too. It's more of a filler song, just to fill up the album. I wish they could of replaced this track with Hit It Again. The best part of the song though is when a guitar actually comes in for once and plays and strums some riffs to make the chorus stronger. Not Bad!
8.) R.I.P. 3.75/5 -- A more calm and slower song. Has some very entertaining lyrics if you listen to them. It's actually a very unique track and I think it's a great addition to Streets Of Gold! Awesome song!
9.) I Know How To Say 3/5 -- Telling by the instrumental rhythms in the chorus, you can tell that this sounds really similar to an older different song by some other artist. A little different. Sill, A mainstream "Cheerleader" Pop song. Not their strongest. But not their worst. Good job!
10.) Double Vision 3/5 -- Not that popular and not really cared about. I personally like it alot though! A nice fun little summer song. Has that summery pop style. Good funky guitars are used during the verses. Nice one!
11.) I'm Not The One 4/5 -- A beautiful fun nice slower song. Definitely the song with the most meaning behind the lyrics. They did a great job here. Even though they're going mainstream, it's still a great song give or take. A little on the longer side, because most of their songs are between 3:00-3:20. Great work! I hope the rest of the fans will enjoy as much as I do!
12.) Streets Of Gold 3.75/5 -- A good song to enforce "Streets Of Gold." Has a great chorus and brings this album to another good mainstream point. Still on the pop side. Good job. Not my favorite track though. :)
13.) See You Go 3/5 -- A wicked short fun straight up catchy electro song. This brings back the great old 3OH!3. Very fun and a great way to bring the album to a close. Great job!
14.) Love 2010 2.5/5 -- Kind of a song on a different side. Odd, but can still be enjoyable. A slow electronic sound starts after each verse. Brings this album to a slow and curious goodbye. Okay job!
15.) Innerpartysystem remixed My First Kiss and made it much more electronic and longer. Obviously not a fan favorite. They should really make an actual song together.
16.) One of the Duo's newest friends, Andrew W.K. -- He remixed House Party To A More Suttle Rock version. It's faster and much better than the original in my opinion. Of course, for those of you that know Andrew W.K. real well, he puts a "harmless" Carnival-like merry-go-round part at the bridge. niiiiiice! ;)
All in all, streets of gold is a great album. I'm pretty sure they found their style. It's more mainstream pop with dance and electroncia. Back in WANT it was electronic/alternative with lots of hardcore rap/crunk stuff. Annnnnnd, in 2007, their first release: "3OH!3 self titled EP" It's just plain old modern Electronic music. With of course, a little bit of 3OH!3-ing it up to make it unique. The fans seem to still like their older rap/electronic stuff from WANT, rather than them going mainstream harmless pop music. People are considering them the Boy versions of Ke$ha. [Whatever, 3OH!3 got Ke$ha famous!] I could care less about what genre or whatever 3OH!3 is. If it has a good beat, then I like it! I'll always classify them as Electronica though. ;)
- Josh
I agree with you on house party. It was fun to jump around to at the concert but thats about it.lol.I know to say was amazing at the cheerleader part x]So which cd do you like the best? This, want or the self titled one?(hard to chose I bet)
Lol, yeah, exactly. Oh well, atleast it's not as bad as like, Neatfreak47, or D&D.
Yeah, I Know How To Say is a fun song, and yeah...totally...the cheerleader part is EPIC! haha.
Damn it Shalia! It is hard to choose lmao. Um...well, not their first self titled one. Um...gee...
Well, I don't want to ramble on but, If Streets Of Gold was released before Want, and Want was realeased new two days ago, then I, along with a lot of the fans would probably think Streets Of Gold is better. But however, since Streets Of Gold is newer, I really can't choose. A bunch of angry fans on itunes don't them going more pop and they like Want better. I guess I like Streets Of Gold a tiny bit better than Want. The Deluxe Explicit Version of Streets Of Gold. (That's more hard of a question than what to get at McDonalds, lol jk. ;) )
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