Thursday, July 1, 2010


Hello Everyone! Today, I am proud to say that this is my 1 Year Anniversary of this blog! (Shhh, don't tell my blog, by I forget to get it some flowers and chocolates in a heart-shaped box! <;o) Anyways, I'd just like to thank the following people:
"My Dad, Mom, Siblings, Family, all of my friends, God, Jesus, The Creators of Blogger, Bill Gates, Myself, Everyone that ever checked out my blog, followers, fans, comments, everybody, and...especially, the one person who I couldn't have done it without...My amazing, spirit lifting, music loving, kind, one-in-a-million friend that nobody can ask for more, the person that always advertised my blog, always had hope for me, picked me up when I was down, helped me throughout, Everything that I could ever need -- is standing right in front of me, the ***soundtrack of my summer, who's eyes are the brightest of all the colors, she'll always be my thunder, so bring on the rain.......SHALIA!*** Stay as awesome as you are!" <3 =)

Thanks again everyone!

Also, the 2nd part of this big announcement is this:

In the past, my friends and I always had a dream to be in a band together. In the past we did little things, for fun [*I can't say the name of our old bands and where you can find our little sample demo music because of copyright issues, conflict of interest, unnecessary advertisement on blogger, and because we're not part of it anymore*] but we didn't really get anymore. we tried real hard after making up lies and just...forget it. have some great news. On my 100th post I said I had a big surprise for you all! Well, I am officially going to start a legit music project! I just got a job now working at a grocery store, and other little side jobs, and, a couple of my friends and I have been going to music stores like GUITAR CENTER and we've found some great recording/music making software and equipment and stuff! So, I'm gonna buy a couple things here and there to make a mini recording/music making studio thingy in either my basement or this unused storage room above my garage. Since then, I've wrote a bunch of songs, I can play guitar, sing, and a little bit of like, piano and keyboard stuff, and I got some other musically talented friends to help me. I'm not sure if I'm gonna just make the actual music by myself or maybe have a 2 or 3 person band. We don't really have a name yet, so don't ask, but I do have a couple good ideas. Also, if you're wondering about our genre, then think of this: 'EVERYTHING!' There's going to be music from pop, to screamo; Punk, to Country; Electro/Dancy stuff to alternative; Some Crunk/Hip-hop/rap stuff to some solid rock; Experimental stuff all around to like, simple spiritual stuff. EVERYTHING! [Ha ha! Take that itunes! In yo face. Try classifying us when we put our album on itunes eventually!] On the downside, I don't know how long it will take. It could be a while but my music project is officially underway! We don't have a myspace, and won't for a while. Anyways, It'll be much easier when I can actually drive a car. (I'm almost there though!) My guess is that it could take years for us to put out an E.P. and get it on itunes. I don't wanna be the next Justin Beiber or something so i'll probably wait til we're between 17 or 18 -- then we'll try to expose ourselves, advertise, and try to make it big! (Haha...Everybody in the world just wants to be a rockstar... <:( I really hope I can make a life doing this! If not, I'll be a Spanish teacher or translator or a freggen Spanish spy or something. Or, A graphic designer or artist.) Alrighty...thanks for reading! Oh, and p.s. to Shalia, I'll be sure to make you the first one to get our demo music, all I ask is to not post it anywhere online. ;) And I promise, one day in life, as the years go on, we WILL meet face to face [***Lol, and Zeke to hopefully! ;)***] Wish me luck everybody, and I got some more GREAT posts on the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay! ;)

- Josh


Ana said...

Hola! I just wanted to tell you that I'm rather enjoying reading your blog. =) Anyways, congrats on one year and good luck with your music project!

Anonymous said...

wakfbekszmsjrgbgb aww:)♥ ~bring on the thunder~ Your amazing.NEVER EVER stop blogging!...Good luck with creating your music career! Im sure you will get pretty far.I really hope you guys dont sound like*cough* BROKENCYDE*cough*EEEP super stoked to hear whats to come!You should talk to rod about the itunes ness.His EP is soooo good!soo maybe he can help out. && yes we shall meet someday.Its not like we live across the country from eachother.Zeak changed.If you want the story email me... THE

Kay said...

YEE congrats! :D

Josh said...

Hey, thank you so much Ana! You don't know how much that really means to me! =) Feel free to read it and comment any time! ;)
Haha, thanks! Don't worry! I'll be blogging for A LONG time...until my life just gets TOO busy. I'm going to try to make it to 3 years, then see what I should do from there! Haha, don't worry! We're NOT going to sound like Brokencyde...I Promise! Well...I guess I could tell you what bands we might kinda sound similar to: Somewhat like Breathe Carolina, Watchout! Theres Ghosts, but a little less screaming, and kinda like Family Force 5 and InnerPartySystem. -- That's what our sound is kinda like. Yeah, good idea. Rod would be a HUGE help probably. Alrightyy! ;)

Thanks Kay! I'll be sure to make you guys get my music first when it comes out.